Join Our Ministry Slack

Thank you for your interest in joining our Evangelism Slack Group!

Step 1: Submit a request below to be invited to the slack app. All requests are to be fulfilled within 1-2 business days.

Step 2: After your request has been approved you will receive an invitation from Slack to join the group. Once you receive that email, click the link to join. The website will ask you to create a password.

Step 3: Follow the instruction and when finished you will get an option to download the free Slack app on your mobile device. If you did not the links are below:

Apple Device –

Android Device –

PC & Mac –

Step 4: Once you download you will be asked to log in with the credentials that you created.

Step 5: After logging in you will be in the chat for evangelism.

If you have any issues or need additional assistance, please contact or 804-526-1605